Monday, June 21, 2010

Cherish Family and Friends!

The blessing in being around freinds and family are times we must cherish. I encourage you to live life to its fullest because our tommorows are not promised to us. Make every day count this week and put God first in all you do and worry about nothing.


  1. Thank you Pastor for those words, I needed to hear them. I bought a home in Woodbridge in March last year, at that time I had a home in Georgia that was being rented with an option to buy in January. Long story short, the renters backed out of the deal and I now am responsible for two mortgages. The house has been on the market since January with no contracts so far. Needless to say, my savings are shrinking fast.I'm taking your advice and this week I won't worry but trust that God has a plan. Thank you again and God Bless You.

  2. By living fully, recognizing that all we do is by His power, we honor God; He in turn blesses us.

  3. For God Himself works in our souls, in the deepest depths, taking increasing control as we are progressively willing to be prepared for His wonder.


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