Thursday, June 17, 2010

Welcome to My Blog!!

Hello everyone! This is my personal blog where I post all the things going on in my busy life and ministry. I will post my thoughts on ministry topics, religion, sports etc. In 1984, I was seized by the glorious gospel of grace in Jesus Christ. Since then, I have committed my life to Christian service to make Jesus known to the world. Thanks for dropping by and taking the time to read what's happening in my life, as I walk with the Lord Jesus Christ day by day.


  1. Pastor Thomas I really wanted to test adding a comment to your new blog. I look forward to reading your posts in the future and being blessed by your words. Thank you for being my pastor.

  2. On this saturday evening Iam so grateful to God for giving the opertunity to spend time with my dad. I ecourage you to take time and give thanks for your fathers in your life even if they have past on or even if your relationship may not be so close still give place for honor. Scriptures tell us to honor our father, for this is right in God site. Happy fathers day to all the fathers. Let me know how you share in your fathers day weeken

  3. The blessing in being around freinds and family are times we must charish. I encourage you to live life to its fullest because our tommorows are not promise to us. Make every day count this week and put God first in all you do and worry about nothing.

  4. Today I am reminded that when you do good to others good dose come back to you when least expected. Strive and purpose in your heart to do good.


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