Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Free Gift

Did you know that heaven is a free gift ?
The bible says For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life.This is seen more clearly when we understand what the bible says about man . The bible says man is a sinner . For we have all fallen short of the Glory of God. The bible tells us that God is merciful and does not want to punish us but God is just and must punish sin. God solved this problem through Jesus Christ. Jesus came and died on the cross and paid the penalty for our sins and purchased eternal life for who believe in Him. My question, have you received your free gift of eternal life and if not would you like receive it now? If you would like to know more about this free gift let me hear from you.


  1. Pastor,
    How do you know when you're ready?

  2. This is a great question. Let me ask you a question before I respond to your question? Is this question personal to you and if it is. Its time to take to heart this question. Do you know for certan that if you died tonight would go to heaven or is that somthing that you are still working on. let me hear from you.


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